Higher Bracket Article: The Right Words To Get The Job You Want: By Deborah Brown-Volkman

Not Satisfied With Your Career Success - Change Your Approach
by Deborah Brown-Volkman

Wouldn't it be easier if your career could magically improve on its own?

The working world has changed dramatically over the past couple of years. It can seem like your skills need updating sooner, and that's because they do. A global economy means change happens quickly. You can't sit back anymore and hope that change will not find you; because it will.

If you are struggling in your career and the uncertainty is getting to you, you can do something about it. You can't always alter your circumstances, but you can modify how you deal with them.

So, How Do You Change Your Approach?  Follow These Four Steps Below:

1. Don't Defeat Yourself

One of the top challenges my clients face is themselves. I make a suggestion and they tell me why it won't work. And this is before they even try it. Getting older is a good thing; with it comes knowledge and experience. Getting older hurts you when you believe you've "been there, done that" and you haven't. The next time you tell yourself that something cannot be done, inquire "do I know that to be 100% true?" If the answer is no, don't discard the idea. It may be the answer you are seeking.

2. Find Out Where You Fit

Clarity and confidence come from knowing the facts. Let's say you want to switch jobs. Spend time researching the possible places where your skills are needed. Find out what companies in and out of your industry, are looking for, and assess where you fit. Look at your resume and compare it to what those companies want. If you see that you don't have a particular skill, do not use that as a reason to stop. Take a class or read a book to get up to speed. There is always a place you can go to learn more if you want to.

When you want to adjust the direction your career is taking, you don't always get a guarantee upfront that it will work. What you do get is a feeling in your stomach that says you are headed in the right direction. If you can combine what feels right, with good information, that's when you will be successful.

3. Make A Plan

Yes, you may want your career to be different overnight, but that's not how things work. All great things in your career will not happen on their own. You need a plan which will help you take a bigger goal and break it into smaller pieces.

All plans have three pieces: 1) What you want; 2) How you will get what you want; 3) Your projected completion date. The more you clearly define what you want, the faster you will reach your goal. Once you have clarity, write down the steps to make your goal happen. Then, give yourself a deadline. Most people work best when the pressure is on, so give yourself one to motivate yourself through the process.

4. Reach Out

It's OK to ask for help. It takes a strong person to ask for assistance. If you are worried that someone might not want to help you, let him or her tell you that. Don't assume that anyone will think less of you for opening up and sharing that your career might not be going as well as you'd like at the moment.

Your career can span thirty, forty, fifty years or more, so there's a good chance you'll hit a bump in the road at some time and will need some assistance. Just like you would help someone who came to you, let other people return the favor.

So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!

Deborah Brown-Volkman is the President of Surpass Your Dreams, Inc. a successful career and mentor coaching company that has been delivering a message of motivation, success, and personal fulfillment since 1998. We work with Senior Executives, Vice Presidents, and Managers who are out of work or overworked. Deborah is also the creator of the Career Escape Program™ and author of Coach Yourself To A New Career: A Book To Discover Your Ultimate Profession. Deborah Brown-Volkman can be reached at http://www.surpassyourdreams.com http://www.career-escape-program.com
info@surpassyourdreams.com, or at (631) 874-2877.



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