HigherBracket.ca Resume Upload Map

This is an overview of which fields get automatically updated when you upload your existing resume to the HigherBracket.ca

Section Field Notes
Profile Resume Title Your last job title will be placed in this field. It should be changed to be more specific to the position that you are seeking. See the help file for suggestions.
  Objective If you have an objective in your current resume it should be automatically put here once you upload your resume to our system. If your objective did not upload, it is most probably due to the system not recognizing the section as an objective. Simply cut and paste from your existing resume.
  Contact Information Some of the fields in this section are loaded from the data from your account, and some are loaded from your resume. In particular, it takes your email address and your primary telephone number and it inserts these data into the proper fields.
Background Executive Summary This field does not currently upload into HigherBracket, If you have an executive summary or some type of synopsis on your current resume copy and paste it here.
  Certifications, Languages etc. The remainder of the fields in the background section do not upload automatically from your resume.
Experience Company Information The most notable field that does not upload in the experience section is the Company information. If you have company information within your current resume it often will get uploaded into the job description field along with the job description data on your resume, you can just cut and paste it into the right Field.
  Job Titles & Dates These are uploaded from your resume and should be automatically inserted into the correct field of our database.
  Job Description This field is uploaded from your resume, but will need to be checked and formatted. As this is the lion's share of your resume this is where the most time savings are found.
Education School Name, Degree Title, Degree type & Dates These are all uploaded automatically from your resume, the other elements within the education section are not, and will require some manual input.
Extra Elements   The system does not upload any publications, case studies or portfolio information that you may have on your current resume.